We ensure delivery of technologies and professional installation. We test the entire system and put it into regular operation. We train service personnel.
We ensure delivery of technologies and professional installation. We test the entire system and put it into regular operation. We train service personnel.
V Pískovně 2053, 278 01 Kralupy nad Vltavou, Czech Republic
ID No: 26683229 / VAT No: CZ26683229 / Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, File 870 74
Šenkvická cesta 11, 902 01 Pezinok, Slovak Republic
ID No: 36026506 / VAT No: SK2020083186 / District Court in Bratislava 1, Section s.r.o., File 33548/B
Iparos utca 18. 2117 Isaszeg, Hungary
ID No: 13-09-173252 / VAT No: 13043535-2-13 / District Court in Budapest