Based on the input data, we analyse everything and design the most appropriate technical-economical solution according to your needs and expectations.
Based on the input data, we analyse everything and design the most appropriate technical-economical solution according to your needs and expectations.
V Pískovně 2053, 278 01 Kralupy nad Vltavou, Czech Republic
ID No: 26683229 / VAT No: CZ26683229 / Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, File 870 74
Šenkvická cesta 11, 902 01 Pezinok, Slovak Republic
ID No: 36026506 / VAT No: SK2020083186 / District Court in Bratislava 1, Section s.r.o., File 33548/B
Iparos utca 18. 2117 Isaszeg, Hungary
ID No: 13-09-173252 / VAT No: 13043535-2-13 / District Court in Budapest